View the git installation location

which git

View the git installation version

git --version

Updating Git for Windows

git update-git-for-windows

Setting up network proxy

git config --global http.proxy ''
git config --global https.proxy ''

Setting default initial branch name to main

git config --global init.defaultBranch main

View all git configuration information

git config --global --list

Push local main to GitHub main and have local main track main on GitHub

git push --set-upstream origin main
# shorter form
git push -u origin main
# you only need to set upstream tracking once!

Pull commits and don’t let it put you in a merge conflict pickle

git pull --ff-only

Add a remote to existing local repo

git remote add origin [remote repo]
git remote --verbose
git remote show origin

Reset the associated remote repository

git remote set-url origin [new remote repo url]

Switch to a branch

git checkout [branch-name]

Checking remote and branch tracking

git remote -v
git remote show origin
git branch -vv

Check on the state of the Git world

git status
git log
git log --oneline